Oh no 99!
Back OH NO 99! How to Play Players2 playersMaterialsStandard deck of cardsObjectiveForce your partner to go over the score or 99.How to PlayDeal four cards to each player and leave…
Traffic Lights
Back TRAFFIC LIGHTS Players2 playersMaterials3 different colour manipulatives (6 of each) preferably red, yellow, and green.Traffic Lights GameboardObjectiveTo be the first player to complete a line (horizontal, vertical, diagonal) of…
Dollar Words
Back ONE DOLLAR WORDS Players1 or more playersMaterialsConversion TableObjectiveTo create words that total one dollar.How to PlayPlayers try and come up with a word that equals one dollar.Each letter of…
Over the Hill
Back OVER THE HILL Players2 players (versus)2 - 4 players (cooperative)Materials3 standard diceOver the Hill gameboardOver the Mountain gameboardObjectiveTo be the first player over the hill and reach 18.How to…