OH NO 99!
How to Play
- 2 players
- Standard deck of cards
- Force your partner to go over the score or 99.
How to Play
- Deal four cards to each player and leave the remaining in a stack in the middle.
- Players take turns playing one card at a time, adding or subtracting based on the card that was played to their joint score.
- Once a card has been played the player can replenish by taking a card off the top of the pile in the middle.
- Continue to play until a player is forced to go over 99.
Playing Example:
- The score is currently 65.
- Player one plays an ace and subtracts 1. The score is now 64.
- Player two plays a queen and makes their card be a 10 and adds 10 to 64 making their current score 74.
- Player one plays a 6 adding it to 74 making he score 80.

Source: Rusty Bresser and Caren Holtzman