classroom resources engage in mathematics Lego MathLego activity that connects learning throughout the whole school year - Grade 3 curriculum Number Talks: Exit TicketExit tickets for strings of number talks. Money Task CardsDetermine the total amount based on the pictures of money on the cards. Equal Groups Task CardsMaking connections of equal groups to repeated addition and multiplication. Thinker TasksDifferent relevant tasks that focus on different mathematical concepts. Number of the DayActivity mat to be laminated. Amount Task CardsDraw, stamp or build amounts of money Esti-Mysteries TemplateA template for students to create their own Esti-mysteries by Steve Wyborney Student Created Esti-Mysteries 2.1 Circles on a Coat 2.2 Colour Beads 2.3 Count the Cubes 2.4 Dinosaur Farm 2.5 In the Forest 2.6 Magic Colours 2.7 Parachuting 2.8 Roll the Dice 2.9 Stacking Cubes 2.10 The Farm 2.11 Walking People