
  • 2 players



  • To be the first player to get four in a row (horizontal, vertical or diagonal).

How to Play

  • Players take turn rolling the die and placing the transparent chip on the strategy they would like to use.
  • The player applies the strategy to the number they rolled and covers the corresponding square on the gameboard.

Playing Example:

Example 1:

  • Player one rolls a 6
  • Player one decides to use the doubling strategy to change the 6 to a 12 and marks off a 12 on the gameboard by placing one of their coloured chips on the corresponding square.

Example 2:

  • Player two rolls an 8
  • Player one decides to use the halving strategy to change the 8 to a 4 and marks off a 4 on the gameboard by placing one of their coloured chips on the corresponding square.

Source: Graham Fletcher